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About Rika
Rika provide solutions to biogas plant owners and operators who are looking to reduce their feedstock bill, improve the efficiency of their up front feedstock processing and feeding systems or who are under pressure to meet increasingly strenuous RHI sustainability criteria.
We do this by opening up a vast array of options on potential feedstock's that can be profitably used in biogas plants. Residue materials with low to zero associated carbon emissions such as wheat, barley or oil seed rape straw, spent grains and husks, landscaping grass, digestate and farm yard manure can all be used as biogas feedstock. These materials have previously been too dry or high in lignin to be able to digest within an economic timeframe, or their physical characteristics make them unsuitable or hard to handle and mix.
Utilising the Bioextruder as the primary technological innovation, associated with an array of other bespoke equipment that can assist in feedstock handling and processing, we are able to provide solutions to biogas plant operators that reduce bills, increase efficiencies and increase profits

Read an article about the benefits of using extruded straw for biogas production from German publication Landtechnik
IKTS Fraunhofer Institute in Germany carried out a 4 months pilot digestion study run solely on straw processed through our Bioextruder producing results of over 295 L/kg oTS Biomethane or nearly 600 L/kg oTS of Biogas. Click on the link below to see the detailed results.
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